Delivering to the Sunshine Coast, Hinterland and beyond

Frequently asked questions for Beerwah Flowers & Gifts

At Beerwah Flowers & Gifts, we’ve answered some of our frequently asked floristry questions for your convenience. Don’t see your question answered? Contact our friendly team. We’re always happy to help you create a floral or gift arrangement that will leave a lasting impression.

Your flowers will remain fresh for up to 7 days. Some arrangements can last up to 2 weeks depending on the flowers used.

To keep your flowers looking beautiful we recommend:

For more tips, contact our florists.

We have a range of gifts that can be added to your order including:

See our Gifts & Hampers page for gifting inspiration.

Of course! Beautiful flowers can be created at any budget. We’ll work with you to make a design that fits your theme, colour scheme and budget. Please keep in mind that seasonalvarieties may change the pricing.

We are always striving to meet our bride’s expectations, which is why we recommend scheduling a consultation with our florists 3 to 6 months in advance. If your wedding is less than 3 months away, don’t stress we can often organise flowers with a much tighter timeline.

Contact us and see how we can help